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© 2024 Northworld Publishing / Digital Vanguard, Inc.

Ontario, Canada


Legal Disclaimers


1. Independent Status - Blake Northcott is an independent individual and is not affiliated with any group, club, or movement, whether religious, political, social, or otherwise. She has never been associated with any such organizations.


2. Personal Views and Opinions - All views and opinions expressed by Mrs. Northcott on this website and her official social media are solely her own. No organization or entity represents her, nor does she speak on behalf of any organization. Any statements made here are personal expressions of her thoughts and do not reflect the views of any other entity.


3. Official Online Presence - Blake Northcott's official online presence includes her verified profiles and websites, which are linked below:


* Fraudulent A.I. generated images of Mrs. Northcott exist online. Please note that any quotes, images, or other content featuring Mrs. Northcott on third-party websites may be subject to digital manipulation, such as Photoshop, A.I., or other digital forgery techniques.


Content not linked from this official website, or her trusted and approved social media sites listed above, should not be considered trusted or official.

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